How your BIA is working for you
When you have a business within a BIA you have a team of people and systems on your side as a business owner. You have an ally to help with shared marketing of the area and an advocate to help you navigate through the municipal government system. A BIA is often the first point of innovation or a site to test market ideas and projects at a city level. During COVID-19 BIAs have had access to programs and projects exclusively like Digital Mainstreet, which helps improve businesses digital and on-line profiles and access; and other programs like grants for Storefront Improvements. Operating a business can be difficult and establishing your business within a BIA gives you and advantage.
Your Board of Directors and staff are working towards developing a new strategic plan that will be activated in 2022 to take our Business Improvement Area through pandemic recovery and renewal and to ensure that disruption of access and services are as low impact as possible while construction of the West Valley LRT and associated improvements are completed.
The approach of SPR BIA is to work towards supporting our long term businesses and to encourage new growth and development while we market and build a stronger destination mainstreet area. Blending realism with aspiration your BIA is working strategically and purposely to break down outdated attitudes of Stony Plain Road and highlight the realness, the authenticity of our unique and diverse business area.
The ability to use a dedicated revenue stream to promote local goals with neighbouring businesses in order to improve, market, and promote the business area.
- Physical and economic improvements to the business area.
- Building a greater sense of community and interaction.
- Marketing and promotion campaigns, streetscape improvements, special events, and business recruitment campaigns.
- Revitalizes, maintains, and creates a cleaner, safer and more attractive environment that benefits all businesses operating in the BIA.
- Improved communication between the business community, municipal staff, and City Council.
- Share advocacy for independent businesses at all levels of governments.